Genes and Addiction


  • When scientists look for โ€œaddiction genes,โ€ what they are really looking for are biological differences that may make someone more or less vulnerable to addiction. It may be harder for people with certain genes to quit once they start. Or they may experience more severe withdrawal symptoms if they try to quit.
  • Factors that make it harder to become addicted also may be genetic. For example, someone may feel sick from a drug that makes other people feel good. But someoneโ€™s genetic makeup will never doom them to inevitably become an addict. Remember, environment makes up a large part of addiction risk.
  • โ€œJust because you are prone to addiction doesnโ€™t mean youโ€™re going to become addicted. It just means youโ€™ve got to be careful.โ€ โ€“Dr. Glen Hanson


  • Scientists will never find just one single addiction gene. Like most other diseases, addiction vulnerability is a very complex trait. Many factors determine the likelihood that someone will become an addict, including both inherited and environmental factors.
  • Because addiction is a complex disease, finding addiction genes can be a tricky process. Multiple genes and environmental factors can add up to make an individual susceptible, or they may cancel each other out. Not every addict will carry the same gene, and not everyone who carries an addiction gene will exhibit the trait.
  • However, multiple lines of research show that addiction is influenced by genes
  • There are many ways that genes could cause one person to be more vulnerable to addiction than another. โ€“Dr. Glen Hanson


  • Because addiction has an inherited component, it often runs in families. That is, it can be passed down from parent to child by way of genes. The pedigrees, or family trees, to the left show affected individuals in red and unaffected in white.
  • esearchers often study large families to learn which genes may be making them susceptible to addiction. They begin by comparing DNA sequences of family members who are affected by addiction with those who are not, and they look for pieces of DNA that are shared among affected individuals and less common in the unaffected.
  • Because people have complex and varied lives, researchers often look to animal models to learn more about the genetics of addiction.


  • Many genes with roles in addiction were identified with the help of animal models, especially mice. Because the reward pathwayโ€”and many of the genes that underlie itโ€”functions in much the same way in mice as it does in people, mice are leading the way in identifying addiction genes.
  • When researchers discover a gene that plays a role in addiction in a model organism, such as mouse or fruit fly, they can then identify the counterpart gene in humans by looking for similar DNA sequences.

To the right, you will find a sampling of some of the genes suspected to play a role in addiction, many of which were identified first in animals.

  • The A1 allele of the dopamine receptor geneย DRD2ย is more common in people addicted to alcohol or cocaine.
  • Mice with increased expression of theย Mpdzย gene experience less severe withdrawal symptoms from sedative-hypnotic drugs such as barbiturates.
  • Mice without the cannabinoid receptor geneย Cnr1ย are less responsive to morphine.
  • Mice lacking the serotonin receptor geneย Htr1bย are more attracted to cocaine and alcohol.
  • Mice bred to lack the ฮฒ2 subunit of nicotinic cholinergic receptors have a reduced reward response to cocaine.
  • Mice with low levels of neuropeptide Y drink more alcohol, whereas those with higher levels tend to abstain.
  • Fruit flies mutated to be unable to synthesize tyramine remain sedate even after repeated doses of cocaine.
  • Mice mutated with a defectiveย Per2ย gene drink three times more alcohol than normal.
  • Non-smokers are more likely than smokers to carry a protective allele of theย CYP2A6ย gene, which causes them to feel nausea and dizziness from smoking.
  • Alcoholism is rare in people with two copies of theย ALDH*2ย gene variation.
  • Mice lacking theย Crebย gene are less likely to develop morphine dependence.


One goal of genetic research is to help develop improved treatments. Each new addiction gene identified becomes a potential โ€œdrug target.โ€ That is, researchers can focus on one gene product and develop a drug that modifies its activity. In so doing, signals or pathways in the brain may be modified or stabilized to restore proper brain function.
Understanding the role of genetic variation in addiction genes can also help inform treatments. The effectiveness of medications vary from person to person, depending on their genetic make-up. In the future, genetic tests could be used to determine which medications are likely to be most effective based on an individualโ€™s genetic profile. Learn more in Precision Medicine.

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